The Crises

The threat is not from arms or bombs.. the perceptual threat here has to do with a community which is empowered only for consumption without having any means for self expression & of production or to bring about any meaningful reformation, in their existing state of community life.

The naked truth about power or about any system which does not recognise citizens or groups or communities & which rules without their opinions, can at best be termed dictatorial. In a dictatorship, the axe might fall on anyone, any community that annoys those in power.

Especially, broadly taking example of South Asian countries, where corruption is high & have invaded all echelons of the social structure, creating a humanitarian crises has become easier than previously thought. Then colouring those self created humanitarian crises in communal colours draws attention to the wrong non existing causes.

Further aided by digital technology, global reporting of such situations catches up & create global issues of non existing problems. It also opens the floodgates of foreign aid from caring individuals & nations who might also have other interests in mind.. So at the end you are forced to wonder, for whom & for what?

Weren’t we trying to highlight corruption in the first place which gave rise to a media crises that appear as such & call for global aid for the affected people? It has remained true in many cases that people & countries were naively judged through the spectacles of crises we constantly wear & have wrongly pointed our righteous fingers at people who have showed courage & restraint.. every time!

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